Ayurveda in Sri Lanka: Top or Flop?

Ayurveda treatments are currently trending. This hasn’t always been the case – just about 30 years ago, there were only a handful of offerings in Sri Lanka that deserved this name. However, this would soon change dramatically. On the large island in southern India, there is hardly a resort today that doesn’t offer at least one massage under this motto. What was once a millennia-old, proven, and respected medical practice and worldview, even in the West, has evolved into a wellness industry: Ayurveda treatments everywhere, along with Ayurveda music, cooking classes, and countless books.

But beware: Not everything labeled as Ayurveda genuinely represents the practice. This applies to the providers of various treatments worldwide. In Sri Lanka, not all facilities convey the ancient knowledge of a long life – the literal meaning of the ancient Indian word Ayurveda – in its classical, authentic form.


About 3,000 years ago, Indian healers recognized for the first time the importance of the harmony of all elements – those of the body and those of the environment. In Ayurveda, individual organs or limbs are not treated; instead, the current state is examined in connection with the so-called Doshas. These Doshas represent the elements found in nature: ether and air signify movement (Vata), fire and water are responsible for transformation and digestion (Pitta), while water and earth provide stability (Kapha).

According to the belief of the wise ancients of India, Doshas exist in different forms within each of us. When they become imbalanced due to environmental factors, lifestyle, or diet, Ayurveda suggests a path back to a healthy life. Even more effective is prevention: this gentle system helps maintain good health, preventing internal harmony from becoming disrupted in the first place.



As clear as it is that serious lung or even cancerous diseases are unlikely to be cured by an Ayurvedic treatment, it is equally undeniable that a two, three, or ideally four-week detoxification and cleansing program known as Panchakarma can activate metabolism, aid in weight loss, and be highly successful in addressing issues like arthritis, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, and skin problems.

Do you have to fly all the way to Sri Lanka for this? Most wellness guests in Asia enjoy the exotic surroundings, acclimatize to the tropical climate after a few days, and appreciate the natural friendliness of the local staff. For others, the local environment, short travel distances, and ease of communication are more important. They find it worth paying a higher price, mainly due to the typical personnel costs in their home country. Ultimately, everyone must decide what suits them best.

Whether in Asia or at home, Ayurveda always means pleasure for all the senses. This is evident, for instance, during morning yoga or meditation sessions. Such offerings can be easily and sustainably integrated into daily life later on. And those who maintain at least part of the dietary recommendations can significantly extend the benefits of a treatment.

As you can see, Ayurveda in Sri Lanka is a mixed bag. While some may find it to be a top destination for Ayurvedic treatments, others may not have the same experience. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and the specific resort or center you choose. However, if you’re a fan of yoga, be sure to check out this web story on the 7 best yoga destinations. Happy travels!

Author Bio:

I am a passionate blogger. I love to share my thoughts and ideas through blog posting. I have years of experience in Tech, Business, & Health. I am associated with thecryptojournals.net, thecasinojournals.com, thecasinomagazine.com, digiimagination.in, globalbulletinmagazine.com, greenenergyjournals.com, globalcryptomagazine.

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